San Jose Office Plant Rentals, Leasing & Maintenance Services

Plants will bring natural energy and beauty to your office. A good plantscape design will massage the senses, look and feel good and have calm positive energy. Our goal is to provide good energy to San Jose offices and lobbies, delivering efficient, beautiful and effective plants with our plant lease / maintenance package.

Kentia Palm Rental Image Kentia Palm, San Jose Rental
Plant service ensures continuously thriving plants and trees to offices in the San Francisco Bay area including Menlo Park, San Mateo, Palo Alto, Fremont, Los Gatos, Hayward, Mountain View, Milpitas, Sunnyvale, Cupertino.

For over a thousand years, people have been bringing plants into their interior space, but no time in history has been better than now in modern offices throughout Silicon Valley.

Professional plantscape is efficient and essential if you are considering bringing nature indoors. Atriums, lobbies, executive offices, orchids, tall trees or bonsai, and high quality ceramic containers ~ we make office plants easy.

We are proud to offer beautiful, flexible and affordable commercial plant leasing, and we are happy to explain our rental rates to you.

With a base rate of $65 each additional plant is $10. Ten plants would be $165 per month. All plants are guaranteed to have a thriving, beautiful appearance. Plants will be selected for the cultural and aesthetic "fit" to office ergonomics, lighting and decor.

Planter Box Office Plants Rental "Plant Box" Office Plants Rentals
san jose ficus tree rental before image san jose ficus tree rental after imageFicus Espalier, San Jose Ficus Rental

palms waterfall pond jungle rental san josesRent Fountains, Ponds, Streams or a
Zen Garden for your special event
san jose topiary rentalCypress Poodle Topiary Rental

Special Event Plant, Flower & Tree Rentals

Rent lighted trees, trees with cordless twinkle lights, mood lights, place a lighted tree anywhere, no plugs required

Rent or lease big Ferns for lecturns, podiums and weddings, Living Wedding Arches (12 feet tall) covered with Ivy and Ferns – "living walls"

san jose wedding plant rental imageWedding Plants, Hedges & Flower Rentals

Ferns, Ivy Living Arches, Living Walls rentals, rent any size tree Ficus, 6' to 14', any quantity or species.

Rent enormous Bamboo trees.

Rent Palm trees and/or Ficus fences to create a solid backdrop or divider of green.